my dyslexia random crap party?!

date: 9/1/2024

mood: decently happy

music: umm weezer??

whoa: rant about how much I hate dum kidsss!

first things first it's Jog varkers birthday so yay happy birthday to my wife(your olddddd)

rahh AND ALSO i gooooooot a puppy yay! he a little bit silly I think he has brain damage or something he keeps on trying to eat plastic bags hehee

I was on call with Ricky and I fell asleep because I'm stinky and I was snoring probably either that or it was siren. Someone needs to give me more pictures of Ash we need to make the ash Church!!! *Coughs* THE ash RIZZ Church. lol also why did my TV just start playing My Chemical Romance I thought 6th grade was over!!! i dont hate mcr!! just..I was an interesting kid I'm sorry:( Siren keeps on crying :( Oh yeah if I forgot to tell Siren this the name of my puppy :3 also I Accidentally put the blog post in the wrong order that's why yeah this one's at top even though it's supposed to be in the middle oops! too lazy to change it so you just have to deal with it!! I'm still laughing about the video I have of Rikki singing twist I don't know why it's just really funny. lol! my brain is itchy!! RHAH! also RANDOM RANT!?!?!??? but I hate people that only like things cuz the time period like people that only like stuff from the 2000s it's like okay like I get it okay stuff from that time period it's cool! I'm not saying you can't like that stuff I just don't like people that only like that stuff cuz it was in that time period? like I like things from all kinds of different time periods soooo? like who cares be quiet you're not cool just cuz you like a certain thing from a certain time period especially those hyperpop kids that think they're soooo 2000's core or something I don't even know anymore? :( I just don't understand people that limit themselves to only liking things from a certain time period to make themselves look better???...or I'm not sure why they do it I'm confused!!! and I also repeat I'm not saying that liking things from a certain time period bad!!!!!!!!!! I just don't understand people who only like things from one certain time period or hate everything else from a different time period?????? I'm not saying that you have to like everything from today or that you have to like everything from a past time I'm just saying stop going around saying that you're so blah blah blah time period cuz you're not you're just another kid on the web lol just as we all are!!! lol I don't know if you understand what I'm saying I have a hard time understanding myself at times oof =p

Header Here

date: 5/13/2022

mood: meh

music: aksjdj

whatever: icon art by RIKKI

nothing here yet :3

some of why I got mad and why I blocked mao

date: 8/27/2024

mood: angry at myself!!

listening to: Livin' it Up

whatever:Im sorry I'm not mad at you

hi i wanted to say what's on my mind about the whole situation I'm not trying to play the blame game but it was like would not be the first time that mao seemed like she was trying to make me mad for some reason especially with the Jordan thing yeah was I mad at Jordan at one point yeah but that's like not the point anymore because me and Jordan have no problems anymore and then she started like harassing them and it was like umm ok.... So I kind of just stopped talking to her in general and then I wasn't able to get online cuz my mom then i got back so that she was your new best friend and got mad and called you a mean word (im sorry i got overly emotional which is no excuse) and Victoria told me that you thought I was mad at you or something? Which I wasn't I just wasn't able to get online cuz my mom I was mad cuz I thought you replaced me because I was gone.... She shouldn't have thought that but you know I'm dumb.... And yeah it just seems like mao was trying to do this and so I just blocked her I don't think you understand I don't have a problem with you talking to her at all I just don't want to talk to her the only reason I'm still in her server so I know she's not talking crap about me cuz I know sometimes she has a thing for that I'm sorry and I'd like for you to not tell her about this :D but that's that I hope that we can just forget about that and put that in the past please and thank you if not that's okay too :/ also I'm sorry for being a stinky in your thing that was not right of me or the other people....


RAHH! hai :3 next page all pages(wip)


